(預購結束)-3/3~3/16 電子報會員限定預購- 大象體操 ElephantGym | 夢境 Dreams | 專輯(CD)
NT$ 500
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專屬贈品:『心靈體操貼紙組』1 套 6 張
Exclusive pre-order benefit : Spiritual Gymnastics sticker set
即日起至 03/16 (三) 23:59 成立之【大象體操 ElephantGym | 夢境 Dreams | 專輯(CD)】預購訂單,可獲得限量專屬『心靈體操貼紙組』。贈品隨專輯出貨,每張專輯贈送 1 套貼紙。
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大象體操第三張創作專輯《夢境 Dreams》,收錄 12 首創作曲目。用音樂探索意識難以捕捉的深層時空。
除了搖滾樂器,這張專輯加入了管樂、傳統鼓聲、台語唸詞。邀請台灣客家歌手林生祥與靈魂女聲 9m88,共同詮釋一場跨越界線的奇幻夢境。在拿到專輯之後,請閉上雙眼,盡情地享受它。
Mysterious objects appeared. Festive drums intensified. Firelights hopped. On the water surface, spirits glided. A traveler emerged, with a guitar and the memories, Soon their illusion vanished.
Flames lit up on the water, Spread out, and extinguished at once.
Elephant Gym’s third album Dreams, including 12 tracks, is coming out soon.
In addition to the instrumental music we are best at, wind music and Taiwanese chanting are also added. We invited Hakka singer Sheng Xiang Lin and singer-songwriter 9m88 to participate in the album in their most comfortable way. We hope you like this album. Enjoy!
Elephant Gym、待望の3rdアルバム「Dreams」(夢境) がリリースされます。12 曲収録(日本盤は13曲収録)予定。ブラスバンドや、客家という台湾の漢民族のシンガーソングライター・林生祥(Lin Sheng Xiang)、台湾の新生ソウル、R&Bシンガー・9m88(ジョウエムバーバー)などが参加しています。
大象體操第三張創作專輯《夢境 Dreams》,收錄 12 首創作曲目。用音樂探索意識難以捕捉的深層時空。
除了搖滾樂器,這張專輯加入了管樂、傳統鼓聲、台語唸詞。邀請台灣客家歌手林生祥與靈魂女聲 9m88,共同詮釋一場跨越界線的奇幻夢境。在拿到專輯之後,請閉上雙眼,盡情地享受它。
Mysterious objects appeared. Festive drums intensified. Firelights hopped. On the water surface, spirits glided. A traveler emerged, with a guitar and the memories, Soon their illusion vanished.
Flames lit up on the water, Spread out, and extinguished at once.
Elephant Gym’s third album Dreams, including 12 tracks, is coming out soon.
In addition to the instrumental music we are best at, wind music and Taiwanese chanting are also added. We invited Hakka singer Sheng Xiang Lin and singer-songwriter 9m88 to participate in the album in their most comfortable way. We hope you like this album. Enjoy!
Elephant Gym、待望の3rdアルバム「Dreams」(夢境) がリリースされます。12 曲収録(日本盤は13曲収録)予定。ブラスバンドや、客家という台湾の漢民族のシンガーソングライター・林生祥(Lin Sheng Xiang)、台湾の新生ソウル、R&Bシンガー・9m88(ジョウエムバーバー)などが参加しています。